Tuesday 12 April 2016

Finding My Character

Over the last few rehearsals I have been trying to figure out who The Princess is? Is she nice? Is she mean? Does she flirt with you and then stab you in the back? Is she floaty or does she stomp around? And finally after thinking and trying different things out I worked it out!
She is, smart! Smart enough to so her wit but clever enough not to over use it. She can get what she wasn't from a click of her fingers - there is an air around her which just stops people to just watch her. Her women, Katherine, Rosaline and Maria are her three close friends that clearly have been through some stuff with her and are just as mischivous as the Princess. 
Her voice is high and flowy, she takes her time to say all the words and then other times she cuts you off with her wit. 
Before she sits down, she looks around the room and then decides where to sit or stand. There is true elegance behind this character and there isn't not class with her. 
Me and Tatenda have a rold split which is even better because we can feed off each other, the looks and the glances accross the room. Almost having a telepathic conversation. 

I feel that my character is really genuine, and I want to depict that on stage. 

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