Tuesday 19 April 2016

Classical Theatre - Week 6

This week we had to continue polishing the dance and to make up a duet or trio dance with the boys we are supposed to be tricking. A lift, a spin and a slide had to be included. As we are supposed be tricking the boys in this scene we made it part of the dance routine. I think I am finally getting to grips with a not so complicated dance just need to work out which way I am spinning! 

End Of The Play
So the end of the play is extremely random and just doesn't make any sense whatsoever....my father dies and then all our plotting and scheming seems to go down the drain and suddenly we all fall in love with the men....yeah...I really don't understand the end. 
As it's a Shakespeare play I know as my character I am allowed to be over the top and slightly melodramatic but how do I do that when I found out my father has died. As my character I don't really know how close I was to my father so I decided to show my closeness to my sister instead. I don't want to make the comedy sad at the end so I decided to make my character use the death as an opportunity to warm up the Kings. 

After working on the end we did a run from page 40 which wasn't completely terrible but I do need to learn my lines! 

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