Tuesday 12 April 2016

Historical Context - Week 5 - Part 3

My Own Experience. 

During my time at Secondary School, I performed in the Shakespeare school Festival where I played, Mercutio - Romeo's best friend. And our adaptation was very different to what it would of been in Shakespeare's time. For him they would of performed it in the day time so they would have natural lighting but for us we could do it at any time of day inside with someone doing the lighting for us. 
The script was downsized so it wouldn't be as long as what it would of been. The characters genders were swapped around in our play and there was a man playing Juliet's nurse, which wouldn't be seen as that different to Shakespeare's time but Myself and another girl were playing male roles, if we were doing the play when it was first published no women would be performing so that is a big difference. 
The theatre that we performed in was not the Globe, it was inside and a relatively new design. The seats were different and there was no pit for people to stand in and the tech side of things in the theatre were much different to the tech they would of used back in the day. 

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