Tuesday 26 April 2016

Classical Theatre - Week 7

So today we finally got a chance to perform in the new theatre, this was a time to get a feeling for the place around us and how much we will have to project our voices in order to be heard. 

The set was also on stage which gave us a chance to expand from being smaller rehearsal room to a bigger performing space. I forgot that the actual space we are performing in in three sides which means we have to project to all three sides and we need to make sure that we do not neglect any of the sides. 

Another thing that we had to do is work with the props that we have and to make sure we know when we are bringing them on and where to put them which isn't that difficult but it was nice to work with the guns in the shooting scene. 

Ensure that I articulate all my words and don't speak too quickly.
Project, project, project! 
Work out which words need to be emphasised in order for it to make more sense the audience. 

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