Tuesday 5 April 2016

Classical Theatre - Week 4

Warm ups
We walked around the room as our characters and were told to push them to a melodramatic level. So all my physical choices would change and enhance more and more. Once we got our physicality to it's best we then had to speak any line from the play and deliver it while doing our melodramatic movements.
I found that a lot of my characters movement relies on her posture and facial expressions. And when I walk I take my time to let others notice my presents. I found that my character has a very slow movements which flow elegantly. Quite short steps but I never move anywhere unless I want to - not to the demand of others.

Shooting Scene
Today we did the shooting scene which has all the girls in, we have guns and we are shooting at deer. This scene shows our banter between us all and I feel that this scene is quite difficult to work out, I am still working out my physicality and voice of my character. She is very difficult to work out as most plays have stage directions which give me a little insight into the character and situation I am in. With Shakespeare there are minimal stage directions and the language is quite complex to get your head round. I have enjoyed working through the language but I do find it a challenge to work out what I am saying and therefor how to say it. I think as weeks will develop I will have more of an understanding of my character once I understand the language a bit better.

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