Tuesday 12 April 2016

Classical Theatre - Week 5

Warm Up
Rehearsals began with people everyone finding out what animal their character is, I found that the Princess Character was a Gazel. Tall and bouncy but quick. She has a certain elegance to her manor as well. As we merged our character and animal together increasing the percentage of animal in our physicality I really felt the elegance of my character emerge. Once fully being my character I found that it really contrasted with the boys characters. 
All the boys, Berwone, Longeville, Dumaine and The Kings were all, to my understanding, dogs. They are the predators, sniffing around all the women and the weaker characters. However I found that the girls, Katherine, Rosaline and Maria were all quite delicate but strong animals such as my self and Tatenda. 

When transforming back to my character I found that I did keep elements of the animal in my step, I had a little glide.

In today's rehearsal we rehearsed the dance scene, and yet again I must say I am finding the dance a struggle. But hopefully with practice I will get better. I worked out my objective for this scene which is to be sly and manipulative but to also have and edge of innocence to my name. This is one of my favourite scenes so far as it is just a big micky take on the boys and who can resist annoying a group of cocky arses (talking about the characters). 

Notes From the Director: Learn Lines so we can be off book and have more fluency with the scene. Make sure you understand what words you are emphasising. 

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