Tuesday 15 March 2016

Classical Theatre - Theme of Love's Labours Lost

I also like to call this club the "my daddy's got lots of money so lets be sexist pricks who will eventually run our country" club - I think that has a nicer ring to it. Not that I have a problem with the group.

We are setting Love's Labour's Lost in the 1940's in Oxford University - King Navarre and his lords will the members of the Riot Club. 

The Bullington Club as it's also known as has had members such as, Borris Johnson, George Osborne and our "beloved" David Cameron. There are may rumours about what the club entails and one of the many things that was done was David Cameron, yes David Cameron our PRIMEMINISTER having sex with a pig. Click on that for more information. 

It's gong to be very interesting to have the play set in this time - the whole story of the play it really does fit with this whole idea of posh idiots and that fitting with the Characters King Navarre, Berwone, Dumaine and Longeville. 

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