Tuesday 22 March 2016

Classical Theatre - Love's Labours Lost - The Princess Of France

The Princess
My physicality
My role is to play games with the men to trick and deceive them. Already I love this character she is just wonderful. I do feel a good connection with her and I want to do her justice  I am sharing the role with the wonderful Tatenda, I have never worked with her before but I reckon we are going to be fab Princesses. 

Today we did the opening of the play and as a warm up Sarah got us to do some work on the Physicality of our Character

I am going to make a clear choice to use my hands when speaking and to really emphasise on words I am saying by using my hands when talking to people. I am also choosing to change my posture a little so make it more upright. 

I do however change my character's physicality when I am around certain characters. When I am around the girls, Maria, Katherine and Rosaline I chose to make my body more relaxed by leaning on my arm a little when I am sitting down or I will lean on Tatenda. BUT when I am around the boys there will be a more rigidity in my body to show the men that I don't budge easily. I want to show weakness in front of the men. 

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