Tuesday 15 March 2016

Classical Theatre - Love's Labour's Lost

Synopsis of Love's Labour's Lost:

King Navarre and three lords, Longeville, Berwone and Dumaine are going to make an Oath that they will fast and stay away from women for 3 years while they study. The Gentlemen get a letter from the Spaniard Don Armardo explaining that Costard has been fooling around with Jaquenetta who is the country Wench. The King gives Costard a sentence. Armardo then tells Moth (his page) that he has fallen in love with Jaquenetta and asks Costard to deliver a letter to her. 

The Princess of France arrives with her friends, Rosaline, Maria and Katherine. But. Because of the Oath that no woman may approach King Navarre's Court, she has to remain outside the castle, she is not too happy about this. And obviously there is some love involved and all the men fall in love with the women. 
Berowne then gives a letter to Costard to give to Rosaline however Costard gets the letters between Jaquenetta and Rosaline mixed up. Once Jaquenetta has got the letter she asks the lords Holofernes and Sir Nathaniel about it - they then re assure her that the letter has obviously been mis delivered and that she should give it to the king. 
Berowne hides while the King pronounces his love for the Princess. Longeville then approaches and the King and Berwone both hide while watching Longeville show his love for Maria. Then all three of them hide as they watch, Dumaine then proclaims his love for Katherine. Longaville advances and tells Dumaine that he is not in love and the King then tells both Lords off for breaking their Oath. Berwone then tells everyone that the King is in love also. 
Jaquenetta then gives Berwone the letter, and Dumaine picks up a letter with Berwone's name on it which Berwone has confessed all this love as well. So the men all admit that they are in love and decide to court their women. 
The Kind and his lords come to the Princess's pavilion dressed up as Muscovites. The women then take Boyets warning as a precaution for them to change favours so the men will get confused which women is which. After the men reveal themselvse the women all tell them that they have been pranked.  A messenger arrives to announce the Princess of France's father's death and she decided to return to France.
The women end the play when they tell their suitors to seek them again in a years time - they depart - the end. 


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