Saturday 4 June 2016

Evaluation of Show 2

Show Two
So, the final show before Brighton and Stratford! Excitinggg! 
The second show for me was good, I wasn't nervous which meant I could take my time as a performer and deliver the best I could! I think the second time round all the girls bonded more and I really felt this bubbly atmosphere between us when performing. 
However this time we had a different audience to play for, our parents and relatives. Sarah did pre warn us that parents wont laugh because they don't know when to, but I felt we got a couple of giggles as a whole cast. There was a very different change in the room, I felt like I had to work EXTRA hard in order to make people laugh so I pushed my character even more! 
The dance was successful and I think got people engaged with the performance. The boys scenes when they are hiding from each other was comical and as we were watching from the changing rooms even we were laughing. 

I felt that the second time round was more interesting and had more energy to it. 

To improve and do next time is ensure that I am spacing correctly and that I am not blocking anyone, I felt I needed to be more aware of my surroundings and not block anyone. There were ocasions in the shooting scene where I was blocking "Forester" all I needed to do was spread out a little more and it would of been better! 
Another thing to improve on is to make sure I don't get too rude as my character, she is sassy but she isn't rude, I did feel I had a lot of disgust facial expressions which seemed good at the time but now I look back I don't see the point. 

All in all I thought it was a really good show best one yet! Can't wait for Brighton and Stratford!