Tuesday 10 May 2016

Evaluation of Show 1

Show One
My aims for the first performance:

  • Speak loudly and clearly so everyone can hear me
  • Keep up my physicality at all times
  • Remember all my props 
  • Remember where to stand
  • Do what I have rehearsed 
I think that I achieved most of these things other than the third one, I didn't remember one of my props but that wasn't too much of a bother. The atmosphere for the first show was hilarious and bubbly, because the audience was full of people who were more understanding of Shakespeare they laughed when they were supposed to and not just at physicality of characters but at some of the language jokes.
Back stage all of the girls were giggling and preparing ourselves just to bring life to our characters and to the language. I felt that my least favourite scene to do was the shooting scene, it was entertaining and I think by having an audience there was much more feeling in the room. The words were there to play for the audience, the purpose of a comedy is to make people laugh and I think we achieved that as a whole cast in the first performance. There wasn't a dip in the energy in the whole piece which was something I feared but I didn't have to because the energy was up and going and there wasn't a dead moment that I could see.